Welcome to Bendy Bodies, where you'll find medical insights & science-based information for every bendy body. Listen, learn, & share!
Bendy Bodies with the Hypermobility MD

Bendy Bodies with the Hypermobility MD

Are you affectionately known as 'Gumby' among your friends and family? Being 'double-jointed' isn't just a quirky trait—it can lead to a host of problems throughout the body, even if you were once 'bendy' but aren't anymore. Connective tissue disorders, like Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS), often go unrecognized by doctors, causing life-altering symptoms such as pain, frequent injuries, joints 'giving way,' fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, and insomnia.

Welcome to the Bendy Bodies podcast, hosted by EDS expert, Dr. Linda Bluestein, MD. Join us as we delve into topics relevant to anyone experiencing symptomatic joint hypermobility. From insightful discussions with specialists boasting diverse expertise to practical tips for optimizing your hypermobile health, we're here to empower you on your journey to wellness.

Recent Episodes

May 30, 2024

Milestones and Reflections: 100 Episodes of Bendy Bodies with Linda Bluestein, MD

Dr. Linda Bluestein celebrates 100 episodes of Bendy Bodies discussing the most rewarding part of hosting the podcast and the challenges of podcasting. She emphasizes the importance of balancing the complexity of EDS and the…
May 23, 2024

99. From News Anchor to Advocate: A POTS and EDS Journey with Summer Dashe

Summer Dashe, a former news anchor and advocate for the chronically ill, shares her POTS and EDS journey. She covers how she manages her symptoms in everyday life and the challenges of getting diagnosed with POTS (Postural …
May 16, 2024

98. Environmental Triggers of Mast Cell Disease with Tania Dempsey, MD

Dr. Tania Dempsey discusses mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) with a focus on environmental triggers of mast cell disease. Takeaways Infections can trigger mast cell reactions and people with MCAS may react differently th…
May 9, 2024

97. Learning to Spot the Signs of Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes with Guest Host, Kate Colbert

In this special “EDS Awareness Month” episode of the Bendy Bodies Podcast , founder Dr. Linda Bluestein and guest host Kate Colbert discuss how everyone can learn to spot the signs of Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes. Dr. Bluestein e…
April 25, 2024

96. Coping with Dance Injuries and Career Transitions with Chelsea Pierotti, PhD and Guest Cohost, Jennifer Milner

In this episode, Dr. Chelsea Pierotti discusses coping with dance injuries and transitions, both from a physical and psychological perspective. She explains that the way dancers appraise their injuries and their emotional re…
April 11, 2024

95. Pain Care Redefined: Non-Drug Therapies for Pain Relief with Heather Tick, MD

Dr. Heather Tick, a renowned pain expert, discusses non-drug therapies for pain relief; applying the principles of integrative medicine for comprehensive pain care. She emphasizes the need for education and understanding of …

About the Host

Linda Bluestein, MD Profile Photo

Linda Bluestein, MD

Founder and CEO

Dr. Linda Bluestein, MD, is a multifaceted professional renowned for her expertise in hypermobility disorders. As the founder of Hypermobility MD, she offers specialized medical care to individuals grappling with these conditions. Additionally, Dr. Bluestein is the driving force behind Bendy Bodies, a coaching practice aimed at empowering and supporting individuals with hypermobility.

Her influence extends beyond clinical practice. Dr. Bluestein is the founder and host of the esteemed podcast, "Bendy Bodies with the Hypermobility MD," where she shares valuable insights and resources, enriching the lives of her audience. Dr. Bluestein's dedication to advancing knowledge and awareness of hypermobility disorders is evident in her extensive publications and international lectures. Notably, she contributed two chapters to the influential book, "Disjointed – Navigating the Diagnosis and Management of Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders."

In addition to her clinical and coaching endeavors, Dr. Bluestein actively engages in advocacy and research. She serves on the Allergy and Immunology Working Group for the International Consortium on EDS and HSD, the Medical Advisory Board for Standing up to POTS, and the Board of Directors for the Bridge Dance Project and EDS Guardians. Furthermore, she chairs the Pain Management Committee for the EDS Research Foundation and contributes to the Resources Committee for the Dance Healthy Alliance of Canada.

Dr. Bluestein's commitment to education and me… Read More